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Monday, January 23, 2012

So, Where Was I? Oh Yeah... Blergh...

Blergh is the only way to describe how I have unfortunately been feeling since the New Year started. Resolutions? What resolutions? I've barely been able to think about them because I've been fighting a damn flu/cold that just will NOT go away since the beginning of the year. Blergh. I'll start to feel better and then- blammo! Feeling sick again. I missed a lot of things because of it. I'm sneezing as I type this, but I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. Okay, pity party over.

I am very sorry that after all my grand plans to blog more... I haven't. I had nothing to talk about and I really lacked the energy to get up and do it- even it something amazing had happened. Like Michael Fassbender crawling out of my TV screen. (A girl can dream right?) Actually, I could probably do a whole blog on him and how beautiful he is. And no, I did not just jump on that band-wagon. I have loved him since I first saw him on Hex on BBC America. For my 32nd birthday, I made my friends go with me to see X-Men: First Class. MMM, Michael Fassbender. But I know that there's absolutely no point in having a blog about living with MS and then leaving people without reading anything. Then again, if you have MS, you know how easy it is to stay in bed and watch Michael Fassbender movies instead of making yourself get up and do something.
So, what have I been doing, you might be asking? Crocheting and watching Downton Abbey. Yep. Crazy cat lady, here I come. I'm almost done with an afghan for a friend. I'm only about a year behind. Whoops. 

I did manage to get up and do a little yoga this morning. Was that a good idea? I don't know yet. I am proud of myself for doing it though. It's so gloomy and rainy today. If there was ever a day to stay in bed and watch some Masterpiece Theater, it would be today. 

I'll be resting up and crocheting, trying to get better. It's pouring cats and dogs. It should be easy to rest up today. I hope everyone is feeling good and healthy and that if you made any resolutions of your own, I hope you have been able to stick to them better than I have. Happy Monday readers!!

These photos were added at 4:02 P.M. I blame my cold. I just want to show that even with my MS and my horrid balance... I do pretty well on my Wii. Wiiiii!!! Sorry, my little brother and I always have to do that when we say it.

The first pic is my Wii Fit age: 24. Not my best, but not too bad. The best has been 20. 12 years younger. Gulp.
On the Dual Balance Test, I am just lucky if I can complete it. Today I did it in 28.39 out of 30 seconds. Go me!
 And finally, the Single-Leg Test. Yep, I hold on to the entertainment center. The Wii says I'm allowed to. So shush. I scored 99%. I'm proud. :)

1 comment:

  1. Woodrow C. Monte, PhD, a food scientist, researcher, and Professor Emeritus of Food Science and Nutrition at Arizona State University, has just published a comprehensive book, “While Science Sleeps, a Sweetener Kills,” which is now available on Amazon.com. The book specifically solves the mystery of the cause of Multiple Sclerosis.

    The book presents Dr. Monte’s lifetime of research into the nutritional causes of the major diseases of civilization. His own research, along with the research of hundreds of other scientists, is presented in language the average reader can understand and apply to very easily avoid many of the worst diseases that currently kill the majority of people in the civilized world. Dr. Monte has carefully and thoughtfully pieced together the scientific evidence found in hundreds of scientific studies to show convincingly that the single culprit is methanol – a molecule found primarily in canned fruits and vegetables, tomatoes, cigarette smoke, smoked foods, and the artificial sweetener aspartame. Methanol is converted by the enzyme known as Alcohol Dehydrogenase Class 1 (ADH1) into formaldehyde inside the body’s most sensitive tissues.

    It is methanol that makes the aspartame taste sweet, and within ten minutes of consuming it, the methanol is released from its chemical bond. Each liter of diet soda contains the amount of methanol found in a pack of cigarettes, and evidence is mounting that diseases traditionally associated with smoking – most recently, heart disease and stroke – are now being associated specifically with aspartame consumption.

    The human body converts dietary methanol into formaldehyde in the stomach, liver, veins and arteries, lungs, pancreas, skin, breast, and brain. Dr. Monte makes a compelling case that it is this process, and the disease that results, that is responsible for the epidemics of a variety of cancers, heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases like Lupus and Multiple Sclerosis, autism, and Alzheimer’s disease that have exploded over the past thirty years since the introduction of aspartame in the summer of 1981.

    The book also contains information and documentation showing that the product’s manufacturers and their friends in the Food & Drug Administration knew the dangers posed by aspartame, yet buried the evidence and released it for public consumption despite the risk. Furthermore, they knowingly marketed it to those research had demonstrated were particularly vulnerable to its harmful effects – diabetics and pregnant mothers. Since that time, adult onset diabetes has more than doubled worldwide, with diabetics dying from the major diseases of civilization at a much higher rate than the average population.

    Deaths from Alzheimer’s disease, in which formaldehyde inside the brain destroys memory function, have increased 10,000% since 1981. Neural tube birth defects are up around 70% in the same period of time despite efforts to compensate with recommended folic acid.

    Dr. Monte has decades of experience in food science and nutrition as a researcher, teacher, inventor, industry consultant and consumer advocate who is committed to food additive safety and the prevention of food borne diseases. He is a dedicated scientist with both a Ph.D. and M.S. in Food Science and Nutrition and a B.S. in Biology. He has been a Registered Dietician, Certified Nutrition Specialist AIN, professional member of the American Chemical Society and emeritus member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In 1985, he was chosen by the Council for International Exchange of Scholars as a Senior Fulbright Scholar. His testimony before Congress was instrumental in the prevention of Sulfites from receiving status of US FDA GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) and the implementation of mandatory labeling for most foods that contain this dangerous additive. More information about Dr. Monte and his work can be found on his website: www.WhileScienceSleeps.com.
